If you remember from this post - ‘My answer to the new OGL’ - I have decided to spearhead my answer to the loss of trust that happened with WotC and the OGL. I am working on filling out the outline now as I type this out, its actually second on my checklist tonight after this update post. My contribution to our amazing creator community will hopefully let all of us do amazing things together.

For those that have no idea what I am talking about I am working on a system that will be open to the community to use, setting agnostic but also with some starting setting that can be used, along with a resource library. The innovative thing though is the ability for creators to submit as much or as little as they create with the system to be included in the resource library for others to use. Once I have a complete outline done I hope to pull in other creators to get eyeballs and keyboards on this project. Because it isn’t just about what I want out of a system like this its about what we as a community can used to continue to create the amazing publications we do all the time under intense constraints, even if those are now a little lessened.

But I did promise a sneak peek for subscribers so here is a glimpse of the outline I’m working on filling out more tonight!

Character Creation

Gone is race for linesages! A lineage comes from any sentient being who is able to consent to a relationship. There will also be rules for multiple lineages, with how many traits you can pick from each lineage depending on how close it is to you in the family tree. So far I’m thinking major or minor abilities from parents and grandparents; minor only from further back.

Gone are classes for specializations!  You can have more then one specialization, I’m currently thinking 3 with varying degrees of ability in them that give better bonuses or options on leveling up depending on the degree of specialization. This lets you mix and match your boon, specialization abilities, etc for your liking or desired type of play. Examples of specializations are still being worked on so keep an eye out for those!

There are still skills ability scores but I have literally no more info on those yet so stay tune~

Characters will have levels 1 - 10, so a shrunk power curve. That’s all I know for the moment but that’s why I’m working on it next.

Resource Library

I’m going to hop from the system itself into the resource library itself that will be paired along with this. This will be a free searchable part of the website hosting the system that includes all of it - system mechanics, items, creatures, settings, etc. There will be a form to submit as much or as little of something you’ve made with the system as you’d like. For example if you made a 800 page setting book and just want to include the 10 pages of religions into the resource library you can! Or if you make a 22 pag magic item book and want all of it in the resource library you can do that too! Just because its in the resource library doesn’t mean you can’t keep selling it BUT it does mean that for someone else to use it in a product it has to do something transformative OR informative with it. Meaning they can’t just take like 30 magic items from the resource library repackaged and sell it, they could though use those 30 magic items as loot in a campaign book.

And that’s a wrap for now! More updates will come up [hopefully] monthly as I work more and more on this open TTRPG system because I really believe in this project.