DM Dalliance Welcomes you to the Ghost

Given the situation going on over at Substack I have decided its within my best interest and that of our growing community to not stand by a platform that promotes and allows a literal Nazis to exist on their platform. I think alot of the time people confuse the freedom of speech with freedom from consequences. We can not stand up and platform voices of violence that put our communities at risk.

So, while I am not about platform jumping yet again, I do so with a clean conscience knowing the why. I can not with my silence and continued patronage support someone who amplifies those calling for the end of myself and members of my community at risk. Also just fucking screw those Nazis, man to be super clear they need to go get wrecked.

For DM Dalliance this means our new home is now, a proud non-profit organization building open source technology for journalism. It is my hope that this will be a great new home for our community. And I have alot of fun things planned for the coming 2024 year as I have finally begun to dial in the balance between my own things, freelancing, and working as the GM for UO Publishing... mostly. There is still a learning curve on it but I'm excited for what is coming!

Here are some, but not all, of the things you can look forward to!

I'll be going back to more of the blog like posts I use to do way back when we were just a wordpress blog
I'll be doing a series of playthroughs of single player TTRPGs
Providing sneak peaks on some of the longer term projects I've been working on
Maybe even some short fiction for some funsies

Obviously as I settle into this new platform you'll see things update and change. I'm working on transferring all of the posts over to Ghost, updating the look and customizations, and providing spaces for our community to converse together! If there is anything you'd like to see please let me know below this post. And as always - With that little rambling over with, I’m JustKay your regular DM Dalliance on the web and I’ll see you next post.